Persistent domain model

An example originated from a question: “How to save state to disk?”. There are many ways to implement this, but you can get an insight of one possibility. This example implements a custom domain model that persists it’s state using a generic strategy that can be extended to any storage format.

Original issue.

Resource management state machine

Given a simple on/off machine for resource management.

import tempfile
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod

from statemachine import State
from statemachine import StateMachine

class ResourceManagement(StateMachine):
    power_off = State(initial=True)
    power_on = State()

    turn_on =
    shutdown =
persistent model machine

Abstract model with persistency protocol

Abstract Base Class for persistent models. Subclasses should implement concrete strategies for:

  • _read_state: Read the state from the concrete persistent layer.

  • _write_state: Write the state from the concrete persistent layer.

class AbstractPersistentModel(ABC):
    """Abstract Base Class for persistent models.

    Subclasses should implement concrete strategies for:

    - `_read_state`: Read the state from the concrete persistent layer.
    - `_write_state`: Write the state from the concrete persistent layer.

    def __init__(self):
        self._state = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{type(self).__name__}(state={self.state})"

    def state(self):
        if self._state is None:
            self._state = self._read_state()
        return self._state

    def state(self, value):
        self._state = value

    def _read_state(self): ...

    def _write_state(self, value): ...

FilePersistentModel: Concrete model strategy

A concrete implementation of the generic storage protocol above, that reads and writes to a file in plain text.

class FilePersistentModel(AbstractPersistentModel):
    """A concrete implementation of a storage strategy for a Model
    that reads and writes to a file.

    def __init__(self, file):
        self.file = file

    def _read_state(self):
        state =
        return state if state != "" else None

    def _write_state(self, value):

Given a temporary file to store our state.

state_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="r+")

Let’s create instances and test the persistence.

model = FilePersistentModel(file=state_file)
sm = ResourceManagement(model=model)

print(f"Initial state: {}")


print(f"State after transition: {}")
Initial state: power_off
State after transition: power_on

Remove the instances from memory.

del sm
del model

Restore the previous state from disk.

model = FilePersistentModel(file=state_file)
sm = ResourceManagement(model=model)

print(f"State restored from file system: {}")
State restored from file system: power_on

Closing the file (the temporary file will be removed).
